Ettore Cinnella 

About the book

Drawing largely from previously inaccessible Soviet archives, the book is the definitive account of the Bolsheviks’ rise to power. Ettore Cinnella – professor of Russian History at the University of Pisa – lays out a masterful canvas of those tumultuous years, showing how the Bolsheviks managed to take advantage of the popular revolt and to defeat all the other socialist parties. 

The author explains how the Bolshevik movement became a brutal military tyranny, causing fierce uprisings of the masses and protests by the parties that had remained faithful to the ideal of democratic socialism. For everyone who wants to understand the real role of all the political and social players involved in those violent events, the book is essential reading.

Buyer’s guide

Cover price: 24,00 euros
Pages: 417
ISBN: 978-88-96209-04-2
Rights Held: WORLD
Publication date: March 2017 (special edition) May 2012 (original edition)
Category: non-fiction
Audience: general and academic


★★★★★ “Ettore Cinnella is one of our best sovietologists.”
—Dino Messina, Corriere della Sera

★★★★★ “Author of two fundamental books on the Russian revolution Ettore Cinnella is a top-class historian.”
—Diego Gabutti, Sette Magazine 

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